Shelter improvement

In the most critical steps made in the refugee program so as to improve the daily living conditions of refugees, ANE has been remaining to be one of the strongest partners to both RRS, UNHCR and also to the refugee community itself by partaking in the humanitarian programs linked with the provision of Improved Transitional Shelters particularly in the refugee camps located in both Somali and Oromia Regional States.

In 2017 Budget Year, ANE took significant leadership in piloting the first Improved Transitional Shelter Project in partnership with RRS and UNHCR and covering Heleweyne and Buramino Refugee Camps, Melkadida Operation – Somali Regional State. In this program, ANE was able to satisfy the most selected vulnerable refugee households and one host community member by providing total of 104 Improved Transitional Shelters made along the key structures known as Concrete Foundation, Hallo Concrete Blocks(HCBs) Walling, Standard Iron Sheet Roofing and Doors as well as Windows made of Standard Iron Sheets. In the context of Melkadida Refugee Operation, this project aims to replace previously constructed Bamboo made transitional shelters which are basically known to have short life span as they are persistently affected by termites then after led to expose refugees to various forms of safety and security risks. The project also plays key roles in improving the dignified living condition of refugees.

In 2018 Reporting Period, construction of 261 Improved Transitional Shelters (69 in Boklomayo Camp, 42 in Melkedida Camp, 41 in Kobe Camp, 41 in Heleweyn Camp and 68 Buramino Camp) was completed by ANE. Whereas, 272 Improved Shelters (62 in Boklomayo Camp, 50 in Melkedida Camp, 50 in Kobe Camp, 50 in Heleweyn Camp and 60 Buramino Camp) in 2019 programming year. In both 2020 reporting period, ANE in Melkadida Operation provided the total of 50 improved transitional shelters in Bokolmayo, Melkadida, Kobe, Heleweyne, Buramino Refugee Camps. Generally, this shelter project continued to improve the living conditions of selected beneficiary refugees by ensuring security and making it more dignified. Considering its significance for durable use, ANE constructs improved transitional shelters in Melkadida Camps, Somali Regional State using standard Hallow Concrete Blocks (HCBs) with designed dimension of 6mx3.5m.

Youth Education Pack (YEP) graduate refugees were deployed as part of the efforts to enhance community participation in the Melkadida shelter project run by ANE in 2018 and 2019. Female YEP graduates particularly demonstrated their building construction skills over the shelter project run by ANE in partnership with UNHCR and RRS. As they were directly engaging in shelter construction activities, these YEP graduates were inspiring other young female refugees as to enhance their active participation in the community. In both budget years, the shelter construction was able to create job opportunities for the total of 186 YEP graduates in all camps of Melkadida Operation.

In 2018 ANE also constracted and Improved 52 trasitional Shelters (20 in Dillo and 32 in Megado Refugee camps of Kenyan-Borena Refugee Operation) and dignified the living conditions of refugee beneficiary households selected considering large family sizes and depleted condition of their shelters.